The world's funnest Discord bot.

Level up your Discord server with anonymous confessions, machine learning memes, custom voice chats and so much more. Are you ready to create the best server ever?

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Tired of boring Discord servers?

Say less. With my unique and original features, you and your friends will always have something to mess around with.

Anonymous Confessions Example

Anonymous Confessions for your Discord Server

Ever wanted to say something in a server with 100% anonymity? I gotchu — go ahead, spill that tea.

Upload anonymous text and images with my intuitive DM confession menu
No one, not even server admins, can see what you posted (nothing is tracked!)
Easily prevent weirdos from confessing with wbl confess mute without needing any identification — everyone stays anonymous!

Blackpink Lisa Anime Waifu

Machine Learning Memes

Transform your profile picture into an anime, medieval portrait, or about a dozen other things. Artificial Intelligence do be kinda intelligent doe

Generate your very own custom waifu with wbl waifu
Use wbl wordcloud to see the most popular words in a channel
I am literally a sentient AI that will watch your every step

Coming Soon

Communities Love Me

I have my own currency called buttons! Get addicted to gambling a virtual currency that will never have any real life valu– err, I mean, have fun playing games like wbl blackjack and wbl connect4 with your friends!

Customize your wbl profile and compete in the global wbl leaderboards for the top spot
Show your favorite person affection through my realistic marriage system, wbl kiss, wbl spank and about a dozen other action commands
Tired of someone's sh*t? Mock 'em with wbl mock or give them a wbl slap

Coming Soon

Dynamic Voice Chats to keep your Discord Server clean

Forget cluttered voice channels — with WrongBotLol, your community can create personalized voice channels that automagically delete when everyone leaves.

Create your own voice chat with wbl vc create
Users can customize their own channel's name, allowed members, and member limit
Server admins can choose the category voice chats spawn in